Peter Stimmel
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth Date: Jul 20, 1828 - , Champaign, Ohio, United States Christening: Death: Apr 10, 1903 - Hoytville, Wood, Ohio, United States Burial: Apr 12, 1903 - McComb, Hancock, Ohio, United States Cause of Death:Events
• Occupation: Farmer.
• Census: 1850, Hamilton, Franklin, Ohio, USA. (Household Member)
• Census: 1860, Pleasant, Franklin, Ohio, United States.
• Marriage: Feb 14, 1860, , Pickaway, Ohio, United States.
• Census: 1880, Pleasant, Franklin, Ohio, United States.
• Census: 1900, Jackson Twp., Wood, Ohio, United States.
Father: Daniel Stimmel Mother: Mary Landes
Spouses and Children
1. *Mary Frettinger Marriage: Feb 14, 1860 - , Franklin, Ohio, United States Status: Children: 1. Daniel F. Stimmel 2. Rebecca J. Stimmel 3. Edward M. Stimmel 4. Mary Ann Stimmel 5. Anna B. Stimmel 6. Franklin Marion Stimmel 7. Isaac Logan Stimmel 8. Amanda Stimmel
The Advance - Vol. 1, No. 39, Hoytville, Ohio, Friday, April 24, 1903
Peter Stimmel was born in Champaign county, July 20, 1828, removed to Franklin county when a boy. At the age of 32 was united in marriage with Miss Mary Ann Frettinger, Feb. 14 1860. To this union was born four sons and four daughters -- Daniel A. of Findlay, Rebecca J., Edward M., Mary A., Francis M., Isaac, Manda, all of Hoytville, O. Anna B. died Nov. 18, 1892. There are two brothers and two sisters living -- Francis M. Stimmel Columbus, O. aged 72; Daniel W. of Hutchinson, Kansas, aged 71 years; Elizabeth J. Miller of Bloomington Ill. aged 67; Mary A. Rathmell, Clinton, Mo., aged 65. Francis M. Stimmel of Columbus, O. attended the funeral, the rest not being able to come on account of their advanced ages and the long distance. There are five living grandchildren and many other relatives and a host of friends to join with his beloved wife, who survives him, in paying the last sad rites to his memory. Peter Stimmel has been a resident of Wood county about 30 years, and all his friends and neighbors say he was a loyal citizen, and a kind and obliging neighbor, an affectionate husband, and an indulgent father. He professed faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and became a member of the Church of God at Jackson Bethel 1 1/2 miles west of Hoytville, about 17 years ago. The writer visited him not long since. He spoke of not having attended church as regular as he should have done and felt the loss keenly and that he had
sought and obtained forgiveness of the Lord and while he talked I could not question the truthfulness of his statements, for they were sealed with tears of penitence. His health has been failing for the last year, but much more rapidly since 17th of September last at which time he was bitten by a rabid dog and was taken to Chicago for medical treatment without obtaining any relief. He grew worse until death relieved him at the residence of his son in-law, L. N. Barnes, Friday morning, April 10, 1903, age 74 years 9 months, and 10 days. Patiently and with the courage of the man Divine he passed o'er to the Great Beyond. He had expressed a willingness to go. Angelic attendants waifted him thither. He asked those present to join him in song but all were to awed to accede. His death scene will never be forgotten.
The funeral services were held Sunday at 10 o'clock and conducted by Rev. G. W. Carder, assisted by Rev. W. N. Shank and the remains were interred at McComb cemetery.
Dear father, thou hast left us,
But we know it will not be long
Until we will join you and dear mother
In that happy world above,
Where is no more parting,
And all is joy and peace and love.
Is it right to grieve for loved ones,
Who have reached the glory land,
And are safe from temptation,
With the happy ransomed band?
No, we'll bow in sweet submission
To our Heavenly Father's will,
For he doeth all things wisely,
And we'll serve and love him still.
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